Project brief:
Super heroes have always enticed the fantasy of grown-ups and children alike through movies and comic books. The popular construct of superheroes collide with spirituality to form a unique superhero story for my pre-thesis project. The interest in spirituality and spiritual practices has been on the rise, especially with concerns regarding mental health. The target demographic is young adults and college students however the story can be enjoyed by people of all ages and spiritual inclination.
Design brief:
The outcome is an immersive website in which the viewer can read and interact with the story. The story follows the journey of a cat who becomes a spiritual superhero after climbing a mountain and training under a monk. I wanted to create an experience that’s light enough for a person not interested in spirituality to enjoy casually; yet deep enough that a person interested in spirituality to immerse oneself into and ponder upon. The cute art style makes spirituality approachable and appealing for the audience.

Homepage: entering story

Chapter webpage walkthrough

The stanzas are written in free verse conveying raw introspection and natural conversations. Cat puns like purrsona and mewsic are used to hold
interest since poetry can often become monotonous.
Audio-visual elements include illustrations, animation and sound snippets. Motion graphics and audio is presented through a hover interaction. Recurring gifs maintain the viewer's attention through the stanzas.
Animations and sound snippets create a balanced mood of fun and contemplative. Some add humor to the scene while others are meditative like a stream of consciousness, stacking of rocks and purring. Symbolism through the color orange and a chubby form represents spiritual development and acquisition of healing powers.

About: viewing character profiles

About the website

Navigation pane

Information pop up box

Page options for personalized reading experience

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